Johnny Goodman

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Johnny Goodman

Johnny Goodman

CEO & Co-Founder of

About Johnny

Johnny Goodman is the visionary CEO and co-founder of, a leading provider of sleep apnea solutions. In 1999, Johnny and his father laid the groundwork for what would become a revolutionary force in the sleep health industry. Their shared vision came to fruition in 2004 with the official launch of

Under Johnny's leadership, has experienced remarkable growth, shipping over 2 million orders by 2024. This milestone is a testament to his commitment to improving the lives of those affected by sleep apnea and his ability to navigate the evolving landscape of sleep health technology.

Johnny's passion for helping others stems from a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those with sleep apnea. His vision continues to guide the company in its mission to demystify sleep apnea treatment, making it more accessible and less daunting for millions of people worldwide.

Today, Johnny remains at the helm of, driving innovation and fostering a culture of compassionate care. He is dedicated to ensuring that the company remains at the forefront of sleep apnea solutions, continually adapting to meet the changing needs of customers and advancements in CPAP technology.

Areas of Expertise

  • Sleep Health Industry Leadership
  • E-commerce in Medical Supplies
  • Customer-Centric Business Strategies
  • CPAP Technology and Market Trends
  • Sleep Apnea Education and Advocacy

Professional Experience

  • CEO and Co-Founder,
  • Over 20 years of experience in the sleep health industry


  • Guided to ship over 2 million orders by 2024
  • Established as a leading provider of sleep apnea solutions
  • Pioneered innovative approaches to online CPAP supply and education

Vision for

Johnny's ongoing vision for is to continue breaking down barriers in sleep apnea treatment. He is committed to leveraging technology, education, and exceptional customer service to make CPAP therapy more understandable, accessible, and effective for all who need it.

Our Editorial Standards & Ethics Guidelines

At, we are committed to providing accurate, trustworthy, and science-backed information on sleep health and CPAP therapy. Our content is meticulously researched and reviewed to ensure it meets high standards of quality and reliability. Some articles are reviewed by medical professionals, and this will be explicitly stated when applicable. We emphasize transparency, accuracy, and inclusivity in all our publications. For more detailed information about our editorial standards and review processes, please visit our Editorial Standards & Ethics Guidelines.